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Welcome to work life at AIME

We focus on knowledge


On art


On UNCx5


On philosophy


On imagination


On systems change


If you want to understand these.


Read this book - Hoodie Economics


We work in a Rocket Ship


We let ideas emerge through story, big story.


Like this with how we built IMAGI-NATION.

We work in this world


Our physical home is this IMAGI-NATION{Factory} to power unlikely connections to spark the ideas and actions to change the world


We are working on this network for the next 10 years and then we are intentionally bouncing out

How we work together as a team and organise is in UNCx5


We don't own the notes, we share them, and pass them on, in relation


We are letting $$ bounce outta our central economy, we focus on time, knowledge and opportunities


We have a 4 day a week work week with 1 day for learning and development. Monday morning is focused on this time and the other half a day you find yourself. Hanging out with your kids is L&D time. We don't want 'busy' people, we want thinkers and doers. In relation.

We have a Re-Serve bank driving our economy

Welcome to the Re-Serve Bank, working within the frame of Hoodie Economics to deliver back to humanity enhanced relations with each other, with other species, with time, and with place. The Bank Serves back pathways and maps for knowledge, and pursuit of imaginative practices, it serves up stimulus to garner and weave a common thread, an energy between species. The Bank serves up meeting places, where you may leave with something you can keep score of or not, and reminds you to put your attention not to what you left with, but to the fact you met, you were there.


The Re-Serve Bank’s core responsibility is story, the long story of this economy of life on earth, to profile a pattern of banking relational wealth and providing a storage facility for the collective wealth, and intelligence of a patterned network that is generative and gives gives, receives, receives.


The Re-Serve Bank measure and tracks

  • Imagination origins - the inceptions of ideas and what comes from the network of unlikely connections

  • Relational health

  • Kindness

  • Nature


The Re-Serve Bank provides stimulus via

  • 40,000 physical Hoodies

  • (How many Hoodie Badges? Limited or unlimited?)

  • 1 million jobs

  • Knowledge Project

  • NFT/10 year death strategy/IP Back to nature

Our heroes are Puppets, our friend who help us imagine, they are our Professors, they are our treaties for agreements, they are our companions on this story journey. The knowledge fields they pursue are below and they drive us.


We are mentors, for a fairer, healthier, more joyful, kinder world. And these are our mentor values.

Welcome to IMAGI-NATION{University}

AIME Mentoring
Welcome to IMAGI-NATION{University}
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Welcome to IMAGI-NATION{University}

Welcome to IMAGI-NATION{University}

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Hands animationtext_V03.mp4

Hands animationtext_V03.mp4

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Welcome to AIME 2022

Welcome to AIME 2022

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7 Down

7 Down

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