WelCome to tHe ImAginaTION Gallery of RIdiCULous ThIngs
Sometimes this, (THIS SPACE ON A WEBSITE) is used to set out the problem one is trying to address...
so here we go
...3-4 colonial empires mapped the world to exclude everybody.
Provide a netWORK that brings the intelligence from outside the margins, that was excluded, INTO the centre of our design systEMS.
This is a NETWORK we are working on called...
We thought, well we could go ask the new King of England to pay the rent for the last few centuries to help us bring intelligence excluded by empire back into the network...
...or we Could CREATE thE ImAgInaTioN GALLERY of RiDIculous ThinGS.
The one off of one off's. The can't be auctioned at a charity gala. The thing one would never GIVE up - unless the future of planet earth was up for grabs. And in that case - they'd give GIVE knowing it wasn't a waste, but an investment in life on earth.
So here we are - curating the Imagination Gallery of Ridiculous Things which will be opened at https://www.humankind.sydney/ and featured in the classic ridiculous space of Coney Island at Sydney's Luna Park.
There will be a three day rolling bidding auction on each item.
We think there are 5-10 ridiculous things out there that could help us raise the 100M to over the next 10 years spin up a new network in the form of IMAGI-NATION and change the way the world works, solving the challenges of our time in the process.
We assume you're here to look to help give give one of the 10 ridiculous things featured in this years Gallery. And for that we say thank you and let's make magic happen.